For my best friend...please help her!

This goes out to everyone of you.I wouldn´t post this annyoing bulletin if it wasn´t 100% important.
Many of you know about my unconditional love for My Chemical Romance :) This band is my life...even if you hate them...do it for ME please!It only takes two seconds to go and vote for me.It´s a competition I really wanna win and every single vote can help me out.
You just have to follow this link:


Then vote for blackparade06 (<---this is me) and the most important thing is...you have to gimme FIVE!!!!! stars so that my total rating looks a bit better.

You don´t have to sign up there to vote...just visit the website and click the five stars for me.That´s it.

THANK YOU.Thank you so much.

von La City Liver
Keine Ahnung ob du Deutsch kannst. :wink:
von Abschnitt40
Danke Danke Danke!
Das wird sie freuen, wenn sie mehr Leute hochvoten...sie muss die Competition unbedingt gewinnen...