US-Fernsehen (inklusive Season- und Pilot-Reviews), britisches Fernsehen etc.
von DonnieDarko
Popular was a teenage dramedy on The WB, created by Ryan Murphy (Nip/Tuck) and Gina Matthews (What Women Want, Jake 2.0, 13 Going on 30), starring Leslie Bibb and Carly Pope. The show ran for two seasons, from 1999 to 2001, but was abruptly cancelled as its second season ended, due to increasingly poor ratings (aggravated by a move to a Friday night timeslot).

Sam McPherson and Brooke McQueen, high school students at Jaqueline Kennedy High School, are opposites. Brooke is a popular cheerleader, and Sam is an unpopular journalist. Their respective gangs are forced to socialize when Brooke's dad and Sam's mom get engaged.

The underlying plot of the first season revolves around the girls' plan to separate their parents. At the end of the season, Sam finds Brooke's real mother, and encourages her to come back to town. This breaks up the engagement. By the second season, Sam and Brooke realize that their parents were happy together. They therefore team up to reunite them.

In the second season, a reversal of fortunes of sorts took place with Brooke resigining from cheerleading to focus on school issues as a member of the student council, and Sam experienced a surge of sudden popularity at school. Josh and Lily began dating regularly and Carmen replaced Nicole as the leader of the Glamazons. Harrison found himself torn between Sam and Brooke and Sugar Daddy found love with exchange student Exquisite Woo. And, near the end of the second season finale, (which turned out to be the series finale), Brooke was run over by an angry Nicole Julian, and as of 2006, her fate remains a cliffhanger.

The show focuses on the relations between two groups of friends at the Jacqueline Kennedy High School: the popular group and the unpopular group, headed respectively by Brooke McQueen, head cheerleader dedicated to maintaining her picture-perfect school life with her jock boyfriend, and Sam McPherson, a feisty, unpopular, intelligent girl who writes for the school paper and sees herself as an activist. The two nemeses are eventually forced to come to peaceful terms as their parents become romantically involved.

Along with Brooke in the popular clique are Brooke's best friend Nicole Julian, a secretly insecure, witty and merciless bitch; Mary Cherry, a flamboyant and bizarre southern girl; Josh Ford, Brooke's down-to-earth boyfriend, and Sugar Daddy, Josh's laid-back, ghettoized overweight best friend.

Sam is accompanied by Harrison John, a sensitive unpopular boy who has a crush on Brooke McQueen; Carmen Ferrara, an overweight girl who wishes to be part of the school's cheerleading squad, 'The Glamazons', and Lily Esposito, a environmentalist and animal rights activist.

Other significant characters are Miss Roberta "Bobbi" Glass, the groups' deeply sadistic and everpresent biology teacher, Brooke's father, Mike McQueen, and Sam's mother, Jane McPherson, whose relationship with Brooke's father leads to the growing interaction between the two.

Leslie Bibb .... Brooke McQueen
Carly Pope .... Samantha 'Sam' McPherson
Tamara Mello .... Lily Esposito
Christopher Gorham .... Harrison John
Sara Rue .... Carmen Ferrara
Bryce Johnson .... Josh Ford
Tammy Lynn Michaels .... Nicole Julian
Ron Lester .... Michael 'Sugar Daddy' Bernardino
Leslie Grossman .... Mary Cherry
Lisa Darr .... Jane McPherson
Scott Bryce .... Mike McQueen
Diane Delano .... Miss Roberta 'Bobbi' Glass; Nurse Jessi Glass; Rock Glass; Uncle Tipton

supporting cast
Anel Lopez Gorham .... Poppita 'Poppy' Fresh
Adria Dawn .... April Tuna
Hank Harris .... Emory Dick
Diana Bellamy .... Principal Cecelia Hall
Robert Gant .... Vice Principal Calvin Krupps
Wentworth Miller .... Adam Rotchild Ryan
Anthony Montgomery .... George Austin
Delta Burke .... Cherry Cherry
Mandy Freund .... May Tuna

Mitchell Manicone .... larry cherry(uncredited)

Teen Choice Awards 2000; Choice Breakout Show
GLAAD Media Awards 2000; Outstanding TV Individual Episode, for episode Wild Wild Mess
Genesis Awards 2000; New Series, for episode Under Siege
SHINE Awards 2000; Comedy Episode, for episode Booty Camp
Genesis Awards 2001; Comedy Series, for episode Joe Loves Mary Cherry.

In a late second season episode, entitled "Fag", Linda Park plays a racist storekeeper, and Anthony Montgomery appears in his regular role as Sam McPherson's boyfriend, George Austin. The two also have scenes with each other. Just a few months after this episode, the two would later appear in Star Trek: Enterprise together, with Park playing Starfleet communications officer Hoshi Sato, and Montgomery playing helmsman Travis Mayweather, respectively.

A lot of times during the first season, there were many bloopers when Brooke and Sam had their "fights", Leslie Bibb and Carly Pope would always burst out laughing since they were real life best friends. They both said it was really hard for them to "hate" each other.

Tammy Lynn Michaels, who played the bitchy, and one can assume intolerant cheerleader Nicole Julian, is in real life the lesbian wife of musician Melissa Etheridge. It is somewhat ironic, however, since in a season one episode, Michaels' character makes extremely derogatory remarks about homosexuals.

Popular was a very popular TV show on Brazil, as Popularidade.
Kip Pardue was originally cast as Josh Ford in the pilot presentation to the WB, but after the show was added to the WB's Lineup he was replaced by Bryce Johnson, to the relief of Ryan Murphy and Leslie Bibb, as mentioned on the Season 1 DVD commentries.

In the second season Leslie Grossman didn't appear in several episodes, due to a change in her contract, which allowed her time off due to the increased workload she had compaired to the other actors on the show.
Leslie Bibb and Bryce Johnson both mention that while there was a constant stream of directors on the show, Ryan Murphy was always on set whenever Mary Cherry was in a scene in order to get Leslie Grossman to play the part exactly as he envisioned it.

Season 3: What Could have been
Despite the cast and crew believing there would be a third season of the show, the show was cancelled after its second season, leaving the show ending on a cliff hanger. When questioned about the third season Ryan Murphy said he had allready mapped out what would happen:

Brooke breaks every bone in her face after being in the accident. Yet when the bandages are revealed, she's exactly the same - except brunette.
Nicole says she was driven to alcohol (and driving drunk) after being sexually abused by Mike McQueen.
Harrison actually chooses Brooke, but couldn't reveal his choice to Sam.
Josh's addiction to cockfighting/gambling ruins his relationship with Lily, so he moves in with Harrison.
After dating Brooke and becoming "popular," Harrison starts getting involved with other eligible ladies.
Mary Cherry is accidentally sent to the pound...and put up for adoption. She is claimed just before being put to sleep by Cherry Cherry after her twin B. Ho is gunned down in her 'hood.
Cherry Cherry starts teaching at Kennedy High--a little course called Madonna 101.
Sugar starts a club for people that are discouraged about their weight to help them out.
Brooke and Nicole become united once again to stop exchange student Unique Jones from ruling the school.
Carmen becomes a nurse after the tragedy that happened to Brooke and becomes Sugar's girlfriend.
Then, Kennedy High is sold and converted into a nursing home, forcing the students to leave for college early.
Five years later - the 3rd season finale - Mary Cherry buys "Melrose Place where the entire gang live, spoofing that series.
Murphy has also revealed that he and the WB entered into talks about a potential spin-off called "The Cherrys" which would have starred Delta Burke and Leslie Grossman as Cherry Cherry and Mary Cherry. Unlike Popular the show would have been a half hour sit-com and follow the Cherrys as they try to rebuild their lives after losing all the money and wealth.

Ausstrahlung in Deutschland
Nach mehreren Ankündigungen und einem festen Starttermin im Frühjahr 2002, wurde kurzfristig entschieden 'Popular' doch nicht auszustrahlen, sondern auf unbestimmte Zeit zu verschieben. Am 21. September 2002 war es endlich soweit – die Serie hatte es endlich auch in Deutschland auf den Schirm geschafft. RTL strahlt die Serie jeweils samstags gegen 11:00 Uhr aus, mit einer Wiederholung (inkl. Abspann) in der Nacht vom Samstag auf den Sonntag. Seit dem 23. November 2002 entfällt die Nachtwiederholung, zugunsten einer Wiederholung am Samstagnachmittag gegen 14:50 Uhr – nicht mal 3 Stunden nach dem Ende der 11 Uhr-Ausstrahlung... und vorausgesetzt, dass keine Sportübertragungen stattfinden.

Quelle: /
Rofl, ja die Serie war bescheuert, aber ich bin irgendwie durch das Ende von theWb in nostalgischer Stimmung und unterhaltsam war die Serie allemal. Würde die Serie gerne mal wieder sehen.
DVDs gibt's bisher nur in Amerika, bei ebay sind sie zu teuer...

1. Szene aus "Popular":
2. Szene aus "Popular":
Opening Credits:

von Waterboy
ich hab die Serie sehr gemocht. Sie war so schön abgedreht, genial.

Am besten natürlich Mary Cherry :lol:

auch wenn die 2. Season ein wenig nach lies mit Qualität und guten storys wars immer noch sehr gut.

von YJ
hab ein paar Folgen gesehen, fand es ganz okay :)
von DonnieDarko
Waterboy hat geschrieben:
auch wenn die 2. Season ein wenig nach lies mit Qualität und guten storys wars immer noch sehr gut.

Davon habe ich keine Ahnung. Ich habe die Serie nur sporadisch geguckt, was ich jetzt bereue, weil ich gerade Bock drauf habe.

Nun joah. Mary Cherry fand ich auch toll, wobei mein wahrer Liebling Sam war. (ich stand voll auf sam :oops: )

Ansonsten habe ich bei youtube vor kurzer Zeit auch den Auftritt von Wentworth Miller (Prison break) gefunden, der recht lustig ist, besonders wenn man seine PB-Rolle im Kopf hat:
von mak
YJ hat geschrieben:hab ein paar Folgen gesehen, fand es ganz okay :)
dito, kann mich aber ehrlich gesagt nur noch dunkel an die Serie erinnern.
von Markus F.
Das war wieder so ne Serie die wie für mich geschaffen war, denn ich stehe total auf verrückte storys. Kann mich noch irgendwie erinnern als Miss Glass mit einem Woodo zauber berlegt wurde, die letzte ep. hab ich nie gesehen, aber sie soll ja mit einem fiesen cliffhanger enden.
naja auf jeden fall ne tolle serie