Seite 4 von 4

Re: Die IMDb wird 20 Jahre jung

Verfasst: Do 6. Mär 2014, 18:56
von logan99
ultimateslayer hat geschrieben: Ich hab festgestellt, dass es eine Option gibt, rechts oben, wenn du auf einer Personen Seite bist, wo du das auswählen kannst. Die Option heißt (Filmography: By Job). Falls es jemanden interessiert.
Geht aber nur bei der "modernen" Ansicht, oder? Ich nutze die klassische, da kann man nicht wirklich filtern.

Re: Die IMDb wird 20 Jahre jung

Verfasst: Fr 7. Mär 2014, 00:11
von Theologe
Die Sortierung by type in der klassischen Ansicht reicht mir vollkommen aus. Wenn da mal ein Kurzfilm bei ist, stört mich das nicht und Video sind mit (V) gekennzeichnet.

Re: Die IMDb wird 20 Jahre jung

Verfasst: Mi 19. Mär 2014, 19:46
von Sentinel2003
logan99 hat geschrieben:Western... Kann ich bis auf meine Kindheit und ein paar aktuellen Außnahmen nicht viel mit anfangen...

Jepp, geht mir genauso....ich habe im Kind - und Jugendalter derart viele Western gesehen, habe da kaum mehr Bock drauf....

Re: Die IMDb wird 20 Jahre jung

Verfasst: Mi 7. Mai 2014, 11:26
von Ghost
Der My Movies Enhancer ist supercool.

Re: Die IMDb wird 20 Jahre jung

Verfasst: Mi 28. Mai 2014, 22:49
von Lost77
BoxOfficeMojo ist doch eine Seite die zu gehört. Gibt es so etwas wie My Movies Enhancer auch für diese Seite bzw. gibt es eine Verbindung? Denn ich schaue Filme nur auf Deutsch, kenne daher auch nur die deutschen Filmtitel und weiß daherbei den BoxOffice-Ergebnissen nicht, ob ich Filme schon kenne oder nicht (besonders ab Platz 100 und bei den Listen vor 2000).

Re: Die IMDb wird 20 Jahre jung

Verfasst: Fr 30. Mai 2014, 22:37
von Sentinel2003
Es passiert mir immer öfter, dass ich bei den dortigen Trailern regelrecht "kleben" bleibe..... :wink: 8)

Re: Die IMDb wird 20 Jahre jung

Verfasst: Do 5. Jun 2014, 19:04
von Ghost
Gestern habe ich meinen Browser zurückgesetzt, um Malware loszuwerden, und damit habe ich auch die Addons verloren und die Userscripts-Seite war gestern nicht erreichbar und ist es immer noch nicht. :evil: :(

Re: Die IMDb wird 20 Jahre jung

Verfasst: Sa 7. Jun 2014, 18:36
von Ghost
Die Website ist wohl schon seit Mai down. :( Eine Suche nach einem alternativen Download des Scripts war bisher ergebnislos. Hat jemand einen Tipp?

Habe derweil eine Seite mit weiteren IMDb-Scripts aufgetan:

Re: Die IMDb wird 20 Jahre jung

Verfasst: Sa 7. Jun 2014, 18:54
von logan99
Musst mal bei den Farben schauen, da hab ich bei Default "red" genommen. Und es müsste jetzt auch der Filmname auf der Titelpage farbig markriert sein - war glaube bei der normalen Version nicht der Fall.
versteckter Inhalt:
Code: Alles auswählen
// File encoding: UTF-8
// This is a script for the IMDb site. It emphasize links to movies in your
// "My Movies" and "Vote History" lists. For instance, on an actor's page,
// you'll easily notice which of his/her movies you've already seen/voted.
// Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Ricardo Mendonça Ferreira (
// Released under the GPL license -
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// ==UserScript==
// @name          IMDb "My Movies" enhancer
// @description   Emphasize the links for movies on your "My Movies" & "Vote History" list
// @namespace
// @include       http://**
// @match         http://**
// @exclude*
// @exclude       http://**
// @exclude       http://**
// @version       1.35
// @grant
// ==/UserScript==
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is a Greasemonkey user script.
// To install, you either need Google Chrome (
// or Firefox ( with Greasemonkey (
// Install Greasemonkey, then restart Firefox and revisit this script.
// To uninstall, go to Tools/Greasemonkey/Manage User Scripts,
// select this script and click Uninstall.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// To-do:
//   - Add support for other types of lists
// History:
// --------
// 2013.10.05  [1.35] Fixed bug where script buttons might not show up sometimes
// 2013.09.21  [1.33] Experimental: downloading all lists at once! (
// 2013.09.20  [1.32] Fixed another change in the IMDb site (
// 2013.05.31  [1.31] Adding some more error checking
// 2013.05.29  [1.30] Fixed bug in the "tabs" sections (trivia, connections, etc.)
// 2013.05.27  [1.29] Working again after changes on IMDb site; fixed tooltip bug
//                    that could affect navigation (thanks, somini!); fixed tooltip bug where
//                    the tooltip would appear behind another element; highlighting works
//                    on the main page of a title
// 2012.12.06  [1.28] Sorry... fixed a bug introduced in the previous bugfix. :P
// 2012.12.06  [1.27] Changed versioning model (since it wasn't working correctly on Chrome),
//                    fixed small bug where search results were not being highlighted.
// 2012.12.06  [1.26] Fix for IMDb site change, correctly shows how many lists it will load,
//                    should also work with dynamic loaded links and images
// 2011.10.06  [1.25] Workaround fixed Opera regex memory leak; Added code to give
//                    "color priority" for a specific list (see movieColor function)
// 2011.10.05  [1.24] Fixed bug where movie data was not captured if there were no votes for it;
//                    Small changes to try to fix possible memory leaks on Opera
// 2011.09.19  [1.23] Fixed & improved code to handle ratings, now should always show the
//                    correct rating for a movie in the tooltips
// 2011.09.17  [1.22] Small bugfixes; made it work again on Google Chrome
// 2011.09.14  [1.21] Works on; made it easier to support movies lists in
//                    languages other than English (if/when they are available)
// 2011.09.09  [1.20] To disable color highlighting for a list just remove its customColors
//                    entry, or make the color = ""; Now compatible with N900 again; Shows
//                    both your rating & IMDb rating in the tooltip
// 2011.09.07  [1.19] Fix for IMDb change in the format of the export link
// 2011.09.06  [1.18] Fixed bug where movies were still considered in a list when they were not
// 2011.09.04  [1.17] Using dhtml tooltips; added tooltip to movie titles;
// 2011.09.02  [1.16] Get lists id with new regex to avoid conflict with other scripts;
//                    Show in the link title all lists a movie is in;
//                    Enable custom lists colors by changing the script code (look for customColors)
// 2011.08.27c [1.15] Automatically reload page when changed sort/view
// 2011.08.27b [1.14] Don't stop downloads if can't find movies in a list; ignore lists not about titles
// 2011.08.27  [1.13] Slightly better handling of download errors
// 2011.08.26d [1.12] Fourth updade in a day! Now sorting option is user selectable
// 2011.08.26c [1.11] Guess what? Now IMDb enabled list configuration... it's not working on all lists, though... XP
// 2011.08.26b [1.10] Less than one hour after uploading this script IMDB changed a few features again! :P
// 2011.08.26  [1.9] Changed how lists are displayed by default; allows manual update of information
// 2011.08.13  [1.8] Working with new list design, using localStorage instead of GM_*Value
// 2010.06.17  [1.7] Added functions "missing" from Chrome; thanks, ode!
// 2009.09.23  [1.6] Fix for another site redesign
// 2009.08.12  [1.5] Restored code to deal with links like those on
// 2009.07.28  [1.4] Fix for IMDb site change, added debug information, exclude running on image URLs
// 2008.08.27  [1.3] Explicitly send cookies (FF3 compatibility fix)
// 2008.07.27  [1.2] Fixed bug where removed movies where not actually removed;
//             now also highlight the title of the movies
// 2008.06.11  [1.1] Fixed bug that ketp growing the movie data in Firefox;
//                   now also get the vote history
// 2008.05.18  [1.0] First public release
// 2008.05.12  [0.1] First test version, private use only

(function() {

   // Greasemonkey "clone functions" for Chrome (& others?), from
   // (thanks to ode:
   // @copyright 2009, 2010 James Campos
   // @license cc-by-3.0;
   // See also:
   if (typeof GM_deleteValue == 'undefined') {
      GM_addStyle = function(css) {
         var style = document.createElement('style');
         style.textContent = css;

      GM_deleteValue = function(name)
         { localStorage.removeItem(name); };

      GM_getValue = function(name, defaultValue) {
         var value = localStorage.getItem(name);
         if (!value)
            return defaultValue;
         var type = value[0];
         value = value.substring(1);
         switch (type) {
            case 'b':
               return value == 'true';
            case 'n':
               return Number(value);
               return value;

      GM_setValue = function(name, value) {
         value = (typeof value)[0] + value;
         localStorage.setItem(name, value);
   //----------------- End of Greasemonkey clone functions -----------------

   // Modified version of Michael Leigeber's code, from:
   // & others
   var injectJs = 'function tooltipClass(msg) {this.msg = msg; = "tt"; = 3;this.left = 15;this.maxw = 500;this.speed = 10;this.timer = 20;this.endalpha = 95;this.alpha = 0; == null;this.c;this.h = 0;this.moveFunc = null;this.fade = function (d) {var a = this.alpha;if (a != this.endalpha && d == 1 || a != 0 && d == -1) {var i = this.speed;if (this.endalpha - a < this.speed && d == 1) {i = this.endalpha - a;} else if (this.alpha < this.speed && d == -1) {i = a;}this.alpha = a + i * d; = this.alpha * 0.01;} else {clearInterval(;if (d == -1) {"none";document.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.moveFunc, false); = null;}}};this.pos = function (e, inst) { = e.pageY - inst.h + "px"; = e.pageX + inst.left + "px";}; = function (msg) {if ( == null) { = document.createElement("div");"id",;c = document.createElement("div");c.setAttribute("id", + "cont");;document.body.appendChild(; = 0;; var inst = this;this.moveFunc = function (e) {inst.pos(e, inst);};document.addEventListener("mousemove", this.moveFunc, false);} = "block";c.innerHTML = msg || this.msg; = "auto";if ( > this.maxw) { = this.maxw + "px";}h = parseInt( +;clearInterval(;var inst = this; = setInterval(function () {inst.fade(1);}, this.timer);};this.hide = function () {if ( {clearInterval(;var inst = this; = setInterval(function () {inst.fade(-1);}, this.timer);}};} tooltip = new tooltipClass("default txt");';

   var newJs = document.createElement('script');
   newJs.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
   newJs.innerHTML = injectJs;

   var myName = 'IMDb "My Movies" Enhancer'; // Name of this script
   var user   = '';                          // Current user name/alias
   var interval = 1000;  // Interval (in ms, >= 100) to re-scan links in the DOM
                         // Won't re-scan if < 100
                         // (I might consider using MutationObserver in the future, instead)

   function fixLinksForLists() {
      // Make links for lists open in compact view and inverse sort order
      var suffix  = "?start=1&view=compact&sort=listorian:desc";
      var suffixR = "?start=1&view=compact&sort=ratings_date:desc";
      var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
      for (var i=0; i < anchors.length; i++) {
         var a = anchors[i];
         var m = a.href.match(/\/(watch)?list/);
         if (m) {
            if (a.href.indexOf("?tab=")          >= 0 ||
                a.href.indexOf("?list_id=")      >= 0 ||
                a.href.indexOf("/profile/lists") >= 0 ||
                a.href.indexOf("/mymovies/list") >= 0 ||
                a.href.indexOf("/list/create")   >= 0 ||
                a.href == "/lists"
            if (a.href.indexOf("/list/ratings") >= 0)
                 a.href += suffixR;
            else a.href += suffix;

   function getCurrentUser() {
      // Return name of user currently logged on IMDb (log on console if failed)
      var loggedIn = '';
      var account = document.getElementById('consumer_user_nav') ||
      if (account) {
         var                 result = account.getElementsByTagName('strong');
         if (!result.length) result = account.getElementsByClassName("navCategory");
         if (!result.length) result = account.getElementsByClassName("singleLine");
         if (!result.length) result = account.getElementsByTagName("p");
         if (result)
            loggedIn = result[0].textContent.trim();
      if (!loggedIn)
         console.log(document.URL + "\nUser not logged in (or couldn't get user info)"); // responseDetails.responseText
      return loggedIn;

   var WATCHLIST   = "watchlist";
   var RATINGLIST  = "ratings";

   var myLists = new Array;

   // myLists[0].name  == "Your Watchlist"  -> Name of the list
   // myLists[0].id    == "watchlist"       -> "id" of the list
   // myLists[0].color == "DarkGoldenRod"   -> color used to highlight movies in this list
   // myLists[0].movies["1yjf"].m == "10"   -> my rating
   // myLists[0].movies["1yjf"].i == "6.6"  -> IMDB rating
   // "1yjf" = movie number (e.g., "tt0091419") "encoded in base 36"

               // To see some color names and codes, visit:

   function getMyLists() {
      // Get all lists (name & id) for current user into myLists array
      // and set default colors for them (if not previously defined)

      // Here you can add a custom color to one of your lists
      // (but the color choosen for the movie title is defined by movieColor() )
      // To make it work: be sure to save the script, reload the lists page,
      //    clear the highlight data (which will reload the lists page again)
      //    and then refresh the highlight data!
      var customColors = [];
      customColors["Your Watchlist"] = "DarkGoldenRod";
      customColors["Your ratings"]   = "Green";
      customColors["DefaultColor"]   = "Red";
      customColors["Filmes Netflix Brasil"] = "DarkCyan";

      myLists.length = 0; // Clear arrays and insert the two defaults
      myLists.push({"name":"Your Watchlist", "id":WATCHLIST,  "color":customColors["Your Watchlist"] || "", "movies":{}  });
      myLists.push({"name":"Your ratings",   "id":RATINGLIST, "color":customColors["Your ratings"]   || "", "movies":{}  });
      // Get all other lists names in this page (should work only on
      var lists = document.getElementsByClassName('lists');
      if (!lists || lists.length < 1) {
         console.log("Error getting lists (or no lists exist)!")
         return false
      var names = lists[0].getElementsByClassName('name');
      if (!names || names.length < 1) {
         console.log("Error getting names of lists (or no lists exist)!")
         return false
      for (var i = 1; i < names.length; i++) {
         // Lists can be about Titles, People, Characters & Images
         // Skip lists that are not about Titles
         if (names[i].textContent.indexOf("Titles)") > 0) {
            name  = names[i].children[0].text;
            id    = names[i].children[0].href.match(/\/list\/([^\/\?]+)\/?/)[1];
            color = customColors[name] || customColors["DefaultColor"] || "";
            myLists.push({"name":name, "id":id, "color":color, "movies":{} });
      return true

   function loadMyMovies() {
      // Load data for the current user
      var userData = localStorage.getItem("myMovies-"+user);
      if (userData) {
         try {
            myLists = JSON.parse(userData);
            return true;
         } catch(err) {
            alert("Error loading previous data!\n" + err.message)
      return false;

   function saveMyMovies() {
      // Save data for the current user
      var userData = JSON.stringify(myLists);
      localStorage.setItem("myMovies-"+user, userData);

   function eraseMyData() {
      // Erase just the movies and lists information for the user
      for (var i = 0; i < myLists.length; i++)
         myLists[i].movies = {};

   var downloadedLists = 0;

   function downloadOK(idx, request, link) {
      // Process a downloaded list
      var regex  = /"tt[0]*(\d+)","[^"]*","[^"]*","[^"]*","[^"]*","[^"]*","[^"]*","([^"]*)","([^"]*)"/;
      var regexG = /"tt[0]*(\d+)","[^"]*","[^"]*","[^"]*","[^"]*","[^"]*","[^"]*","([^"]*)","([^"]*)"/g;
      var tt = request.responseText.match(regexG);
      if (!tt) {
         //  Ooops! Users can have empty lists, right? So let's just
         //  put a message in the log when this happens.
         //updateProgressBar(0, "");
         var msg = "No links found in movies list ["+myLists[idx].name+"]:\n"+
               "Status: "  +request.status + " - " + request.statusText +":\n"+
               "Source: "  +link +"\n" +
               "Headers: " +request.getAllResponseHeaders();
         alert('Hmm... could not find any movies in list "'+myLists[idx].name+'".\n\nIf that was not supposed to happen, please open the error console (Ctrl+Shift+J on Firefox), select Messages and see if you can find the problem...');
      } else {
         var res, movieCode;
         for (var i=0; i < tt.length; i++) {
            res = regex.exec(tt[i])
            if (!res) continue;
            // I "encode" the movie number with "base 36" to save memory
            movieCode = parseInt(res[1],10).toString(36);
            myLists[idx].movies[movieCode] = {m:res[2], i:res[3]};
         tt = '';

      // Save data into browser

      // Update progress bar
      downloadedLists += 1;
      var total = myLists.length;
      var p = Math.round(downloadedLists*(100/total));
      updateProgressBar(p, "Loaded "+downloadedLists+"/"+total);
      if (downloadedLists >= total) {
         updateProgressBar(0, "");
         alert("OK, we're done!");

      // Try to free some memory
      delete request.responseText;

   var createFunction = function( func, p1, p2, p3 ) {
      return function() {
         func(p1, p2, p3);

   function downloadError(name, request, link) {
      // Alert user about a download error
      var msg = "Error downloading your list "+name+":\n"+
                "Status: "  +request.status + " - " + request.statusText +":\n"+
                "Source: "  +link +"\n" +
                "Headers: " +request.getAllResponseHeaders();
      updateProgressBar(0, "");

   function downloadList(idx) {
      // Download a list
      var ur = document.location.pathname.match(/\/(ur\d+)/);
      if (ur && ur[1])
         ur = ur[1];
      else {
         alert("Sorry, but I could not find your user ID (required to download your lists). :(");

      var name = myLists[idx].name;
      var id   = myLists[idx].id;
      var exportLink = "http://""/list/export?list_id="+id+"&author_id="+ur;
      var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
      request.onload  = createFunction(downloadOK,     idx, request, exportLink);
      request.onerror = createFunction(downloadError, name, request, exportLink);"GET", exportLink, true);
    //request.setRequestHeader("Accept-Encoding","gzip"); // Browser does this already? (I get 'Refused to set unsafe header "Accept-Encoding"')...

   function downloadLists() {
      // Begin to download all user lists at once (asynchronously)
      downloadedLists = 0;
      for (var idx=0; idx < myLists.length; idx++)
      // With 10.000 items in 5 lists, the approx. time to download them (on Chrome 29) was:
      //  -  synchronously: 1:50s
      //  - asynchronously:   30s
      // Results might vary - a lot! - depending on number of lists and browser
      // Connections per hostname seems to be around 6:

   // Really simple progress bar...
   var pb;
   var pbBox;
   var pbTxt;

   function createProgressBar(p, msg) {
      var top_  = Math.round(window.innerHeight / 2)  -15;
      var left  = Math.round(window.innerWidth  / 2) -100;
      pbBox = document.createElement('div');  = "background-color: white; border: 2px solid black; "+
         "position: fixed; height: 30px; width: 200px; top: "+top_+"px; left: "+left+"px;";

      pb = document.createElement('div'); = "background-color: green; border: none; height: 100%; width: "+p+"%;";

      pbTxt = document.createElement('div');
      pbTxt.textContent   = msg; = "text-align: center; margin-top: -25px; font-family: verdana,sans-serif;";

   function updateProgressBar(p, msg) {
      if (p <= 0) { = "none";
      pbTxt.textContent = msg;    = p+"%";

   function movieColor(num) {
      // Receives an IMDb movie code and return the highlight color (if any).
      // It will return the color for the first list where the file is found.
      // Argument "num": movie number encoded in base 36

      // Uncomment the lines below to check a movie in a specific list first.
      // Change the "MyMovies: Seen" to the name of the list of your choice.
      for (var i = 0; i < myLists.length; i++)
         if (myLists[i].name == "MyMovies: Seen")
            if (myLists[i].movies[num])
               if (myLists[i].color)
                  return myLists[i].color;

      for (var i = 0; i < myLists.length; i++) {
         if (myLists[i].movies[num])
            if (myLists[i].color)
               return myLists[i].color;
      return "";
   function movieLists(num) {
      // Receives an IMDb movie code and return the names of lists containing it.
      // Argument "num": movie number encoded in base 36
      var num_l = 0;
      var lists = "";
      var pos   = -1;
      var rated = false;
      var imdbRating = "";
      var header     = "";
      var movie, name;
      for (var i = 0; i < myLists.length; i++) {
         movie = myLists[i].movies[num];
         if (movie) {
            if (num_l)
               lists += "<br>";
            name       = myLists[i].name;
            imdbRating = movie.i;
            if (name == "Your ratings") {
               name = "Your ratings: " + movie.m + " (IMDb: " + imdbRating + ")";
               rated = true;
            lists += name;
            num_l += 1;
      if (!rated)
           imdbRating = "IMDb rating: " + imdbRating + "<br>";
      else imdbRating = "";
      if (num_l == 1)
           header = "<b>In your list:</b><br>";
      else header = "<b>In "+num_l+" of your lists:</b><br>";

      return imdbRating + header + '<div style="margin-left: 15px">' + lists + '</div>';

   function addTooltip(obj, txt) {
      txt = txt.replace(/'/g, '"');
      obj.setAttribute("onmouseover", "'"+txt+"');");
		obj.setAttribute("onmouseout",  "tooltip.hide();");

   function addTooltipStyle() {
      // Tooltips stuff
      GM_addStyle("#tt {position:absolute; display:block;} " +
                  "#ttcont {display:block; padding:2px 12px 3px 7px; margin-left:5px; background:#666; color:#FFF; font:11px/1.5 Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}");

   function highlightTitle() {
      // Highlight title in the current page
      var m = document.location.href.match(/tt[0]*(\d+)\//);
      if (m) {
         var num = parseInt(m[1]).toString(36);
         color = movieColor(num);
         lists = movieLists(num);
         if (color) {
            var title = document.getElementsByTagName("h1");
            if (title) {
               title[0].style.color = color;
               addTooltip(title[0], lists);

   var lastAnchors;

   function highlightLinks() {
      // Highlight all links in the current page for an IMDb movie page
      var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
      //if (anchors.length == lastAnchors) return;

      for (var i=0; i < anchors.length; i++) {
         var a = anchors[i];
         if (a.imdbE == undefined) {
            a.imdbE = false;
            if ((a.href.indexOf("/tt") >= 0) || (a.href.indexOf("/Title") >= 0) &&
                 a.href.indexOf("tt_moviemeter_why") == -1) {
               m = a.href.match(/tt[0]*(\d+)\/(.?)/);
               if (!m) {
                  m = a.href.match(/imdb\..{2,3}\/Title\?[0]*(\d+)$/);
                  if (!m) continue;
               if (m.length >= 3 && m[2] != "?" && m[2] != "")
               // I "encode" the movie number with "base 36" to save memory
               num   = parseInt(m[1]).toString(36);
               color = movieColor(num);
               lists = movieLists(num);
               if (color) {
         = "bold";
              = color;
                //  = "italic";
                  addTooltip(a, lists);
                  a.imdbE = true;
      lastAnchors = anchors.length;

   function refreshMovieData() {
      alert(myName+"\n\n"+user+", I'll get some info from IMDb to be able to highlight your movies,\nplease click [OK] and wait a bit...");
      createProgressBar(0, "Loading 1/"+myLists.length+"...");

   var btn1; // refresh
   var btn2; // clear
   var btn3; // sort
   var btn4; // help

   function btnRefresh() {

   function btnClear() {
      alert(myName+"\n\nDone! Information cleared, so highlighting is now disabled.");

   function btnSort () {
      if (sort && sort == "true")
           sort = "false";
      else sort = "true";
      localStorage.setItem("myMovies-"+user+"-sort", sort);
      this.textContent = "Sort/view: default"; if (sort == "true") btn3.textContent = "Sort/view: old style";

   function btnHelp () {
      alert(myName+"\n\nThis is a user script that:\n"+
            "\t - highlights links for movies in your lists\n"+
            "\t - changes the default view of your lists\n"+
            "\t - shows in which of your lists a movie is (in a tooltip)\n"+
            "\nIn order to highlight the movies "+
            "in all IMDb pages as fast as possible, we need to download "+
            "the data from your lists into your browser. Unfortunately " +
            "this can be slow, so it is not done automatically. I suggest "+
            "you to update this information at most once a day.\n\n" +
            "[Refresh highlight data] updates the data in your browser.\n" +
            "[Clear highlight data] disables color highlighting.\n" +
            "[Sort/View] changes how lists are displayed by default (click to toggle; requires page reload).\n\n" +
            "For more information and updates, visit"

   function addBtn(div, func, txt, help) {
      var b = document.createElement('button');
      b.className     = "btn"; = "margin-right: 10px; font-size: 11px;";
      b.textContent   = txt;
      b.title         = help
      b.addEventListener('click', func, false);
      return b;

   function addButtons() {
      var h2 = document.getElementsByTagName("h2");
      if (h2) {
         div  = document.createElement('div');
         div.className      = "aux-content-widget-2";  = "margin-top: 10px;";
         btn1 = addBtn(div, btnRefresh, "Refresh highlight data", "Reload movie information from your lists - might take a few seconds");
         btn2 = addBtn(div, btnClear,   "Clear highlight data",   "Disable color highlighting of movie titles");
         btn3 = addBtn(div, btnSort,    "Sort/view: default",     "Enable/disable your lists to open by default in compact mode and inverse order (like in the 'old style')");
         btn4 = addBtn(div, btnHelp,    "What's this?",           "Click for help on these buttons");
         if (sort == "true") btn3.textContent = "Sort/view: old style";
      } else console.log('Could not find "main" div to insert buttons!');

   //-------- "main" --------

   var we_are_in_the_lists_page = false;
   if (document.location.href.match(/\.imdb\..{2,3}\/user\/[^\/]+\/lists/)) {
      we_are_in_the_lists_page = true;

   // Find current logged in user, or quit script
   user = getCurrentUser();
   if (!user) return;  // FIX-ME: to support external sites: set/get LAST user to/from browser storage

   // Fix links for lists
   var sort = localStorage.getItem("myMovies-"+user+"-sort");
   if (sort && sort == "true")

   // Allow user to manually update his/her list of movies
   if (we_are_in_the_lists_page) {
      return; // Nothing else to do on the lists page - goodbye!

   // Load movie data for this user from localStorage

   // highlight movie links
   if (myLists.length) {
      if (interval >= 100)
         setInterval(highlightLinks, interval);


// Test URLs:
//    Over the "instantaneous results" below the search box
//       Funny... Shark Tale on the page above points to,
//       but when opened it redirects to ...............

Re: Die IMDb wird 20 Jahre jung

Verfasst: Sa 7. Jun 2014, 19:09
von Ghost
Ah, vielen Dank! Nun verschönert das Script die IMDb wieder. :D

Re: Die IMDb wird 20 Jahre jung

Verfasst: Mo 17. Nov 2014, 18:21
von Ghost
In der IMDb kann man sich seit kurzem anzeigen lassen, wie viele Einträge einer Person man bereits gesehen hat und welche man noch nicht angeschaut hat. Cool.

Re: Die IMDb

Verfasst: Fr 17. Aug 2018, 20:24
von Sentinel2003
Schon mal jemand gesehen, diese "The IMDb - Show"?? Immer mit einen Darsteller und rund 10min. kurz oder lang....

Der Moderator macht das auch ganz witzig... :wink: 8)

Aktuell ist in der Show Regina King zu Sehen....

Re: Die IMDb

Verfasst: Di 28. Aug 2018, 18:17
von Sentinel2003
Die neueste IMDb Show ist mit Jane Levy...

Re: Die IMDb

Verfasst: Do 22. Nov 2018, 07:59
von Sentinel2003
Ich finde diese Mini - Interviews von etwa 7,30min. einfach toll....und sehr oft sehr lustig! 8)

Re: Die IMDb

Verfasst: Di 19. Mär 2019, 13:27
von Icanda
Diese kurzen Shows sind sehr witzig, sie stehlen nicht viel Zeit und Sie konnen es sehen, wenn Sie es wollen! Die neueste Veroffentlichung war mit Lauren Cohan, bekannt in der Fernsehserie The Walking Dead :twisted:

Re: Die IMDb

Verfasst: Mi 6. Mai 2020, 03:33
von Sentinel2003
Ist noch jemand öfter dort?? Wie findet ihr die Neu Aufmachung der Startseite??

Re: Die IMDb

Verfasst: Mi 6. Mai 2020, 10:35
von Theologe
Sentinel2003 hat geschrieben: Mi 6. Mai 2020, 03:33 Ist noch jemand öfter dort?? Wie findet ihr die Neu Aufmachung der Startseite??
Sieht aus wie Netflix, nur ohne Streaming Funktion, also ziemlicher Bullshit.

Re: Die IMDb

Verfasst: Mi 6. Mai 2020, 13:33
von Wolfsgesicht
Mir Wumpe, ich hab die nie genutzt. Find sie auch jetzt sehr nutzlos.

Re: Die IMDb

Verfasst: Mi 6. Mai 2020, 16:05
von Sentinel2003
Theologe hat geschrieben: Mi 6. Mai 2020, 10:35
Sentinel2003 hat geschrieben: Mi 6. Mai 2020, 03:33 Ist noch jemand öfter dort?? Wie findet ihr die Neu Aufmachung der Startseite??
Sieht aus wie Netflix, nur ohne Streaming Funktion, also ziemlicher Bullshit.

Ich sehe das nicht ganz so strange wie du.... O:-) ;) es ist noch immer sehr gewöhnungsbedütrftig, aber, eben mal anders, als die ersten Jahre zuvor.... :relieved: