ProSieben, Sat.1, kabel eins, sixx, Sat.1 Gold, ProSieben Maxx, kabel eins Doku
von Poffel
toll, werd ich aufnehmen und immer fleißig guggn :-)
von The Rock
die sollen liber mit Staffel 4 anfangen. Aber naja...wenigstens etwas.

Ich hoffe, dass mir diese Team Angel Frau dann nicht mehr auf die Nüsse geht. Das hat mich mal echt angenervt...
von redlock
absolut_tragedy hat geschrieben: Der Sender startet überigens mit der 3. Staffel, also der Folge "Herzflattern".
Hab's mittlerweile vergessen: Bis zu welcher Ep. hat Pro7 die Serie gezeigt :?:
von The Rock
Bis zum Ende der dritten Staffel
von redlock
The Rock hat geschrieben:Bis zum Ende der dritten Staffel
Also wiederholt K1 zunächst S3 :(
von (chris)
Seit froh, dass Angel überhaupt gezeigt wird...
Die 3. Staffel ist ja schon einige Zeit her, dass sie gezeigt wurde, da find ich die Wiederholung gar nicht schlecht, davon abgesehen ist die 3. Staffel recht gut gewesen.
von redlock
(chris) hat geschrieben: Seit froh, dass Angel überhaupt gezeigt wird...
Bin ich auch :mrgreen:

(chris) hat geschrieben: Die 3. Staffel ist ja schon einige Zeit her, dass sie gezeigt wurde, da find ich die Wiederholung gar nicht schlecht, davon abgesehen ist die 3. Staffel recht gut gewesen.
Genau, man muß ja schließlich wieder in die Geschichte reinkommen :wink:

Allerdings, laß uns mal abwarten, wie lange K1 die Ausstrahlung bei zu erwartenden schwachen Quoten durchhält :shock:
von The Rock
Abgesehen davon, dass Kabel 1 nicht die Komplette Serie besitzt, wurde bisher an Buffy festgehalten, was ich durchaus als positives Zeichen werten könnte.
Ich hoffe natürlich, dass die Angel Fans, die den Sender monate lang belagert und beschimpft haben, die Serie jetzt auch schauen
von willi
Endlich wird Angel wieder gezeigt. Zwar etwas spät, aber besser als garnix. Hoffe auch das Kabel 1 es durchzieht und alle Folgen zeigen wird, nicht wenn die Einschaltquoten nicht stimmen abbrechen.
von Maeth
Team Angel hat Erfolg!! *kaputt* :lol:

ProSieben hat soweit ich weiß mit 3x16 Sleep Tight / Das Tor zur Hölle aufgehört (eine der besten Folgen der Season imo). Muss aber sagen, dass ich von S3 eher enttäuscht war, besonders nach der tollen zweiten Staffel ...
von GrafSpee
Maeth hat geschrieben:Team Angel hat Erfolg!! *kaputt* :lol:

ProSieben hat soweit ich weiß mit 3x16 Sleep Tight / Das Tor zur Hölle aufgehört (eine der besten Folgen der Season imo). Muss aber sagen, dass ich von S3 eher enttäuscht war, besonders nach der tollen zweiten Staffel ...
War ich auch mich nervte generel die ganze Baby sache, war irgendwie etwas was ich als störfaktor empfand.
von The Rock
Maeth hat geschrieben:Team Angel hat Erfolg!! *kaputt* :lol:

ProSieben hat soweit ich weiß mit 3x16 Sleep Tight / Das Tor zur Hölle aufgehört (eine der besten Folgen der Season imo). Muss aber sagen, dass ich von S3 eher enttäuscht war, besonders nach der tollen zweiten Staffel ...
Das stimmt nicht. Pro Sieben hat die dritte Staffel komplett gezeigt.
von (chris)
Ja. Irgendwann hat Pro7 die 6. Staffel von Buffy und die 3. Staffel von Angel gemeinsam wiederholt, allerdings auch im Spätprogramm gegen 0.00 Uhr etwa.
von The Rock
Genau...damals wurden noch die letzten 6 Episoden gesendet.
Danach war ja dann leider Schluss und seitdem wird verzweifelt auf Staffel 4 und 5 gewartet
von Maeth
Ach so, dachte, die Ausstrahlung bis 3x16 war schon die Nachtausstrahlung ... Nja, wieder was gelernt.

@GrafSpee: Ja ... Ansonsten fand ich auch noch die ganze Sache mit
versteckter Inhalt:
Holtz eher langweilig und irgendwie unoriginell und das "Beziehungstrara" sowieso ...
von blade41
Wird ja mal Zeit das Angel wieder auf die Bildschirme zurückkehrt. Zwar ein bescheidene Uhrzeit, aber was solls. Hat mein VCR wenigstens mal wieder arbeit.
von DonnieDarko
Für mein LJ habe ich mal einen Blick zurück auf die fünf Staffeln von "Angel" geworfen und da das eine ungeheure Arbeit war, poste ich das mal auch hier.
Season 4+5 mit Spoiler-Tags, da das ja die beiden Staffeln waren, die noch nicht im deutschen Fernsehen ausgestrahlt worden sind.
We help the hopeless
A look on Joss Whedon's Angel

After having written an entry about my favorite "Buffy" episodes, I thought about writing entries concerning other favorite television shows of mine which already ended. The first show after "Buffy" to have the honor of being reviewed, is "Angel", which is a spin-off of "Buffy the vampire slayer" of course.
Angel lasted for five years. It aired from 1999 to 2004 on the WB network.

The series
Joss Whedon and his "Buffy" co-producer David Greenwalt created "Angel", because they thought that the character of Angel on "Buffy" had enough potential to carry a show on his own. While "Buffy" was about a typical teenage girl who turns out to be extraordinary, "Angel" is about a man with a questionnable past who is looking for redemption. "Buffy the vampire slayer" broke with conventional horror film clichés among others. While a blonde woman in horror movies usually has to be saved by a male hero, the blonde girl in "Buffy" was capable of saving herself instead of just being rescued. "Angel" went back to the more traditional way of hero stories, because it was a show about a male hero and so female characters became once again damsels in distress, but "Angel" wouldn't be a Joss Whedon-show if there wasn't more to it than what the eye can meet on the surface. "Angel" is not only a show about a hero, but also a show about people in their twenties in the big scary city. ´To underline that the show also deals with the problems that people in their twenties have, the show used a lot of metaphors, just as "Buffy" did it with "teenage problems".
Compared as a whole to "Buffy", "Angel" unfortunately ranks behind "Buffy". The show didn't have as much extraordinary episodes as "Buffy" had, but "Angel" nevertheless is one hell of a show. If you take a look on seperate elements on "Angel", you might find out that "Angel" nevertheless was capable of beating "Buffy" in certain aspects. Season four of "Angel" for example, is the best season in the whole "Buffy"-universe. Season four of "Angel" was such an extraordinary, thrilling and intense season that "Buffy"'s best seasons got pale in comparison. But as a whole, "Angel" unfortunately loses to "Buffy". The show was searching too long for its own identity and one problem that particularly affected the first couple of seasons of "Angel" is the fact that "Angel" wasn't an ensemble show when the show first started out. If you watch an episode of the latter seasons, you'll notice that the interactions between the characters and the dynamics that rule between those characters are what makes the show fun to watch. The show got more and more interesting when "Angel" extended its cast.
What makes "Angel" watchable, is the development of the characters on the show. Just as the characters changed on "Buffy", the characters on "Angel" changed a lot during the run of the show. Although some characters changed in a way you wouldn't have expected them to change, their development always was understandable and believable. "Angel" proabably could have beaten "Buffy" as a whole if the series had continued. In season five you already notice that the writers of the show started to experiment with their stories just as they did on "Buffy" (which resulted in some of the best episodes of "Angel"), but unfortunately it was too late and the show could never live up to its full potential.

The best episodes of season one (not ranked)

Lonely Hearts (1x02)
After a truly weak pilot episode, "Angel" delivers with "Lonely Hearts" one of the best episodes of the first season. "Lonely Hearts" deals with a series of killings that happened in L.A. and were linked to a nightclub called "D'Oblique". Soon we find out that some sort of parasite demon is looking for the human body in which it can survive, but hasn't found it yet and goes from body to body by hollowering people out on the inside. What makes the episode so interesting, is the overall theme of the episode. The episode is not about the demon itself, but about single people in the big city who desperately look for their soulmate. It's about people who feel lonely and are in need of human interaction. But the episode also deals with the illusion of telling yourself that you have found the right person. You meet a person and you think that this is the right person for yourself, but when you wake up next to that person on the next day, it becomes clear that this could never work. "Lonely Hearts" is a very dark episode about the loneliness that exists in the big city and that deals with the question of whom to trust, handled with a lot of awesome fight sequences.

Rm w/a Vu (1x05)
"Rm w/a Vu" is an episode which is centered around Cordelia and her search for a new apartment after cockroaches pop up from nowhere in her first apartment. An episode which centers around Cordelia is always fun, because the character is bitchy, but also loveable which makes it fun to watch. The episode is about the first apartment on your own and deals with the independence that young people want to get when they finish school. Although Cordelia already had an apartment at the beginning of the show, "Rm w/a Vu" deals with the first apartment you get on your own. Cordelia's first apartment was just a temporary solution. Her new apartment is something about which she's excited, because it looks neat. At the moment she notices that a ghost of an old woman lives in that apartment who wants to see her dead, she expresses that she would rather die than give up the apartment and her independence which she gained through the apartment. The revealation at the end of the ghost being the mother of a son who killed her son, because he wanted to leave with a woman the mother didn't approve of, is also a nice twist in the story and shows even more that this episode is about accomplishing independence.

I Will Remember You (1x08)
In "I Will Remember You" Angel temporarily becomes a human and he and Buffy (guest star Sarah Michelle Gellar) fall once again in love with each other. But when Angel realizes that he can't neither protect Buffy as a human nor save people who are helpless and in need of a savior, he decides to sacrifice his humanity and his luck for the greater good. This episode shows once again that Joss Whedon creates modern tragedies on his television shows which don't need to avoid the comparison to classical plays of Shakespeare. This is once again one of those things that make Joss Whedon-shows special. The episode also shows that love isn't always enough and that people who love each other sometimes have to give up on each other to avoid catastrophe and to make at least one of the two of them happy.

Hero (1x09)
"Hero" might be the biggest episode of the first season of "Angel". In "Hero" Angel, Cordelia and Doyle try to save a group of part-human Lister demons from The Scourge, an army of supremacist stormtrooper demons who claim "pure" blood and consequently persecute those of "mixed" blood. The episode obviously is a metaphor for racism and the national socialism of World War II. The Scourge even have a weapon which can kill every single creature which has human aspects and that weapon resembles the concentration camps which existed during the second World War. "Hero" is a dark episode with a message: As different as we might be, we're all the same.
Also, once again that episode shows us how Shakesperian a Joss Whedon-show can be. At the end Doyle comes out to Cordelia as a half demon and ultimately sacrifices himself to save those who are helpless and to keep Angel on his mission. The end just leads you to cry your soul out. The character of Doyle was a very sympathetic one and Glenn Quinn played the hell out of the character. Additionally a great romance is scotched. Doyle and Cordelia will never be together which makes the episode much more tragic:
Doyle: (After kissing Cordelia and just before he leaps onto the Scourge bomb and sacrifices himself) "Too bad we'll never know... (Turns demon face)... if this is a face you could learn to love."

The best episodes of season two (not ranked)

Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been (2x02)
In the 1950s, Angel aids a woman hiding from her past inside a hotel with a long history of death and mayhem; in the present, Angel returns to that same hotel and tracks the demon he refused to stop the last time.
"Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been" is an interesting story which takes place in the 50s and deals with mistakes Angel has made in the past. This episode is one of the best episodes of season two, because it is completely different from what the show is usually doing and because it's always fun to go into another decade to explore the past. This episode generally deals with people trying to hide from what they've done in the past, but who become helpless and hopeless, because they may be able to hide what they've done from other people, but they can't hide it from themselves.

Darla (2x07)
Angel tries to rescue Darla from the clutches of Wolfram & Hart, who brought her back to life, as she begins suffering from the guilt of her demonic past and staying around Lindsey, who has feelings for her.
More classical drama elements to "Angel". This episode explores Angel's past and how he tried to stay a part of his vampire group when he regained his soul, but failed. It also deals with Darla's wish to become a vampire again, because her feelings of guilt start to eat her up from the inside. She asks Angel, the only one who truly understands her, to make her to a vampire again, so that she doesn't have to suffer anymore. It's an episode about how pain and guilt can lead a person to suicide, but Angel tries to tell Darla that her new life is a chance for her and that they are things which she could achieve in life which makes her life worth living. It's an episodes which deals with the theme of suicide and includes the message that you should continue your life no matter how much pain you feel, because it's your life and your chance to make a difference.

Reunion (2x10)
Angel and the gang race against the clock to find Darla before her imminent rebirth as a vampire after Drusilla, who’s now on the Wolfram & Hart assassin payroll, killed her.Unfortunately Angel doesn't succeed and Darla is reborn as a vampire, both aiming at creating chaos on the streets of Los Angeles.
"Reunion" is an episode about loss and how it can lead people to darkness. After Angel failed at saving Darla's humanity and after Darla and Drusilla have started a massacre at a Wolfram & Hart whine tasting, Angel fires his friends and becomes a loner, who isolates himself even more from society and starts a campaign of vengeance against those who are responsible for his loss. It's an interesting episode, because the hero of the show who is supposed to be good and supposed to save people comes more and more into a grey area and the episode shows us that people can't be put into a simple black or white category, because human beings are not that simple.

The best episodes of season three (not ranked)

Forgiving (3x17)
After Wesley has betrayed the gang and Holtz has kidnapped Angel's son Connor, Angel tries to figure out how to get Connor back, while Fred, Gunn & Lorne try to get to know why Wesley has betrayed them and to achieve that, they've got to find him before he is going to bleed to death.
Once again an episode about loss and how Angel is willing to do just about anything to get to the things he wants the most. The most interesting aspect of "Forgiving" is the fact that the relationships between the characters change significantly. Wesley has betrayed the group and has to live with the consequences, while Angel is once again looking for vengeance. The thing about Joss Whedon-shows which is truly appealing is the fact that the relationships between the character never stay the same just as it is in real life. It's a very shocking twist that Angel is willing to kill his former friend Wesley at the end and it brings new intensity to the show and is the beginning of a very interesting interactions between the character which are going to endure until the end of season four.

Benediction (3x21)
Angel tries to get closer to Connor after they successfully engage in some much-needed father-son bonding when they find themselves fighting side-by-side against a group of vampires at a nightclub. But things get stirred up when the aged Daniel Holtz tries to make Connor kill Angel which leads the vampire to have a face-to-face with the aged Holtz. Also, Lilah continues to try to recruit Wesley to work at Wolfram & Hart where he brushes her off, but he keeps her business card to think about the offer.
"Benediction" is another very good episode of season three which ends with an intrigue. After Holtz has told Angel that Connor is going to live with him from now on, he lets himself getting killed by Justine, but they make it look as if Angel was responsable for Holtz's death which leads Connor to make plans on how to kill Angel. Holtz's intrigue to sacrifice himself to get his revenge on Angel is once again classical drama, while the episode additionally sets up the very interesting dynamic between Wesley & Lilah.

Tomorrow (3x22)
In "Tomorrow" Joss Whedon shows once again how Shakesperian his show is. While Angel is betrayed by his son Connor and as a result of that in a truly uncomfortable situation, Cordelia is supposed to become a higher being and has to leave this world to fulfill her purpose which leads to the both of them not being able to express their true feelings towards each other.

The best episodes of season four (not ranked)

At first: It's very difficult to pick the favorite episodes of season four, because every single episode in this season was extraordinary, but I am only going to list those episodes which were a landmark for the show.
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Rain Of Fire (4x07)
"Rain Of Fire" was the episode in which "Angel" truly became apocalyptic. It was an episode which raised the bar in every single way.
As Angel and the group deal with a sudden wave of paranormal activity all over Los Angeles, the beast rises from the bowels of the Earth to bring a “rain of fire” over the city as phase one of its plan to destroy the world. When the group around Angel faces the beast for the first time, they've got to notice that the beast is superior to them in every single way, as they fail to stop the beast from creating the rain of fire.
The fight sequences in that episode are just awesome and just the matter of fact that Angel and his gang were not capable of stopping the beast creates more suspense than the show has ever created before.

Habeas Corpses (4x08) ´
Connor pays a visit to Wolfram & Hart where the indestructible Beast from Hell follows him there and attacks, killing most of the staff. Lilah manages to escape with a little of Wesley’s help while he leads Angel, Gunn, and Fred into the locked-down offices to find Connor which gets worse when all the victims of the Beast become reanimated zombies out to kill.
When even the evil characters on the show get killed, you've got to be prepared for horror and you just have to notice how big this thing really is. Wolfram & Hart, Angel's adversaries since the premiere of the show, easily get executed in this episode, something that you would never have expected to happen so early into the series.

Home (4x22)
In "Home", the crew of Angel Investigations gets an unexpected offer by Lilah who resurrects from the dead. As a thank you-gift from the senior partners of Wolfram & Hart for ending world peace (which was brought by a character named Jasmine in the previous episodes, but only by enslavement and the loss of free will), she offers them to take over the L.A. office of Wolfram & Hart, which got rebuilt since the beast has destroyed it in 4x08. Angel and his crew are tempted by her offer. If they approved her offer, they'd have more ressources to save the people in need of help.
"Home" is an important episode for the show, because it's changing the whole premise of the show and deals with how good things can offered by someone whose actions and opionions are despised. It also sets up the new theme for season five: How can someone survive in the corporate world without being corrupted.

The best episodes of season five (not ranked)

versteckter Inhalt:
You're Welcome (5x12)
"You're Welcome" is a appraisal to the past of "Angel" with Cordelia returning to the show after she has been in a coma for most of the season. It's an episode which takes a look on where the characters started out and where they are now. It's an episode about how much can change in the lives of people and that you've got to remain true to yourself no matter what happens in your life. The ending of the episode is bittersweet with Angel realizing that Cordelia has never woken up and that she just passed away.

Smile Time (5x14)
"Smile Time" is one of those examples of an Joss Whedon-show episode, which is in experiment in any area. In "Smile Time", demons try to suck out the life energy of children by using a puppet show on television for their intentions. Also, Angel becomes a puppet throughout the episode which leads to a lot of memorable and funny moments. Because of its humour and action and its originality, the episode makes a lot of fun. It also deals with people being in a situation in which they are ashamed and don't want to be seen by other people, just to realize later, that the situation in which they were doesn't matter to them, because they're still the same people.

A Hole In The World (5x15)
The gang desperately seeks a cure for Fred, who is infected by aa demon that was imprisoned inside an ancient sarcophagus, but they fail and Fred dies in Wesley's arms.
Just as Wesley & Fred finally became a couple, Joss Whedon shows us again his Shakesperian roots and kills Fred off in an episode which throws you on an emotional rollercoaster. Spending an hour by watching our loveable Fred die in Wesley's arms is very depressing and makes the episode to one of the best episodes of the series, because it's so brilliantly tragic.

Shells (5x16)
Fred's body now serves as a shell to a demon called Illyria who once was banned from this world. Illyria is disgusted when she gets to know that human beings rule the world and she decides to get her army of demons back into this world to rule the world again, but her army is dead now and Illyria has to learn to survive in this world. She decides to let Wesley show her how to survive in this world, who suffers from Fred's death.
"Shells" creates new interesting conflicts within the show and the addition of Illyria to the show, creates more interesting dynamics and gives Amy Acker, who plays both Fred and Illyria, a completely different character to play. Something at which she succeeds admirably.
von scoob
kabel eins bringt «Angel» wieder ins Free-TV

Nach über zwei Jahren kommt die US-Serie «Angel» wieder ins Fernsehen. Auf dem komplett umstrukturierten kabel eins-Montag soll die Serie an einstige Erfolge anknüpfen.

kommen die alten folgen als wiederholung, oder die neuen, noch nicht gezeigten (falls es davon überhaupt welche gibt)

auf jedenfall habe ich nämlich noch keine folgen gesehen in denen
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spike mitspielt (der soll ja in angels seine wiederauferstehung feier, hab ich zumindest gelesen)
von The Rock
Ab Staffel 3 wird angesetzt
von Melly
Gestern habe ich das 1. Mal in meinem Leben "Angel" geschaut. Mensch, war das geil. :D Was ist eigentich mit Cordy passiert ? Sie hat ja Visionen und hat einen Geist im Haus ?! :shock:
von (chris)
Wie miserabel waren eigentlich die Quoten gestern? Ich geh mal davon aus, dass sie schlecht waren bei der Uhrzeit.
von The Rock
Melly hat geschrieben:Gestern habe ich das 1. Mal in meinem Leben "Angel" geschaut. Mensch, war das geil. :D Was ist eigentich mit Cordy passiert ? Sie hat ja Visionen und hat einen Geist im Haus ?! :shock:
hehe das mit dem Hausgeist ist witzig...als sie eingezogen ist, war der schon drin und die leben jetzt zusammen...:D
Die Visionen hat sie am Ende der ersten Staffel von Doyle bekommen...bevor er starb, übertrug er seine Fähigkeiten Visionen zu bekommen, an sie weiter. :)
In der dritten Staffel gibts auch einige Folgen, die sich intensiv mit ihr und ihren Visionen beschäftigen...

Quoten laut Videotext

ab 3 MA% 14-49 MA%

0,24 4,3 0,16 5,7

für die Tageszeit auf dem Sender eher eine normale Quote...dafür, dass die Angel Fans sich so mobil gemacht haben, ist nicht sehr viel hängen geblieben..:)
von Melly
The Rock hat geschrieben:
Melly hat geschrieben:Gestern habe ich das 1. Mal in meinem Leben "Angel" geschaut. Mensch, war das geil. :D Was ist eigentich mit Cordy passiert ? Sie hat ja Visionen und hat einen Geist im Haus ?! :shock:
Hehe das mit dem Hausgeist ist witzig...als sie eingezogen ist, war der schon drin und die leben jetzt zusammen...:D
Die Visionen hat sie am Ende der ersten Staffel von Doyle bekommen...bevor er starb, übertrug er seine Fähigkeiten Visionen zu bekommen, an sie weiter. :) In der dritten Staffel gibts auch einige Folgen, die sich intensiv mit ihr und ihren Visionen beschäftigen...
Oh danke für die Erklärung. Wer ist eigentlich Doyle ? :oops:
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